Spay and Neuter

Worried about ending up with unexpected litters of puppies or kittens? Looking for a way to prevent it? Having your pets spayed or neutered offers an effective way to stop them from reproducing! Are you searching for a veterinarian near you in Albany, NY? Our veterinary team at Sand Creek Animal Hospital performs spay and neuter surgeries for cats and dogs.

Spay and Neuter

Why Choose to Have Pets Spayed or Neutered?

Doing this can help both you and your pets in several ways. Preventing pets from being able to reproduce offers the following benefits:

•             Makes the pet overpopulation problem more manageable

•             Prevents you from having to care for litters and place them in homes

•             Lowers your pet’s desire to wander to find a mate

•             Protects your pet from some forms of cancer, like testicular cancer

•             Lowers the risk of certain health issues, such as infections in the uterus in females

•             Reduces undesirable behaviors, like spraying around the house

What Happens during Spaying and Neutering?

These procedures involve surgically removing reproductive organs from pets. Male dogs and cats have their testicles removed during neutering. Female dogs and cats have their uterus and/or ovaries removed during spaying.

All pets are put under general anesthesia during surgery, so they aren’t aware of what’s going on. This helps ensure that spaying or neutering is done safely.

How Successful Are These Surgeries?

Spaying and neutering both have high rates of success with few complications. These are routine procedures that our team does often. It’s an incredibly effective way to make sure you don’t end up with litters of kittens or puppies to care for on top of keeping your pets healthier!

What’s the Recovery Process Like?

Most pets recover quickly after these surgeries, but they do need some time to heal and they may feel groggy as the anesthesia slowly wears off. You’ll receive a list of detailed instructions on post-surgical care for your pet. Some of these include:

•             Limiting activity for as long as our vet recommends

•             Keeping your pet from chewing the incisions

•             Bringing your pet in for care if there’s redness or any other signs of infection

•             Letting your pet rest in a comfortable area while recovering

Find Spay/Neuter Services in Albany, NY

Are you trying to find a veterinarian near you? Are you ready to schedule this procedure/surgery for your pets? Call (718) 623-3999 for a veterinary appointment at  Sand Creek Animal Hospital. All pets receive the best quality care with us!



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